Proportions and Paris

Arguably the most-visited museum in the world, the Louvre is a rambling, glorious palace that includes three wings, a dungeon, and IM Pei’s glass-and-steel pyramid at the main entrance. Exploring all of its millennium-spanning collection of 35,000 pieces would take years, if not a lifetime.

But did you know that the roof leaks something awful?

However, the French always have the correct proportions in their architecture. Take a look at the windows, the way they are 1/3 ,2/3 in such a manner that it just “feels right”. The reason behind this is that the classical architectural “orders” are very present in the design and there is a hidden formula to all of this. The Classicalist understands and believes that these proportions make the architectural elements are the reason why one feels comfortable or at ease when in the presence of classical architecture.

Not only do the French do Architecture well, but the formulas continue to shoe design, sculpture and even a smattering of mushrooms and flowers, just hanging out in the marketplace!